Day 33 Vegetable Nutrition – What You Need To Know

Hi everyone,

Tim here with my Day 33 update.

Still going on the juice fast. Everything is going fine. And I’m getting all pumped up this morning, because we’re going to a seminar, my brother and I, Anthony. (Anthony, say hello!)

Anthony: Hello everybody, and we have still got the jittery camera. Excuse me everyone while I just make a bit of an adjustment here!

Tim: Yeah, Anthony was doing the filming yesterday and he was actually holding the camera. And we found afterwards it was a bit shaky. So he’s actually got it on a tripad – ah, tripad! tripod now.

Anyway, this morning we’re going to a seminar, and apps for iphone seminar. Because one of the things we do, we’re actually business together, and we actually write iPhone apps. So we’re looking forward to that. That’s an all day conference.

Anyway, I digress. You’re thinking, what does this have to do with juice fast? Probably none! But anyway.

OK. Now, for the first time in 32 videos I can’t actually tell you how much weight I have lost today. And the reason for that is, drum roll please…

I haven’t weighed myself!

No drum roll needed. And that’s because I’m not really set up to weigh myself away from home. I guess I could, because obviously Anthony has got some facility to do that. But I thought it would be easier to wait until I get back. So it is going to be another two days before I weigh. But everything is still on track in my fat burning diet. I still managed to keep on the juice fast without any problems yesterday. Anthony did well. He’s on Day 1 of his juice fast again. So he’s going through that with me.

In actual fact he’s feeling a little bit, he’s got a bit of a headache and so forth today, which of course is normal. So if you’re starting a juice fast –

And can you hear that noise in the background? The noise we all love! Yes, Anthony is actually going our juice now. As I’m doing this video he’s actually doing our juice for breakfast. And because we’re going to a seminar we’re actually taking the juice with us. Not the juicer! We’re taking a thermos of juice.

Coincidentally, if you are doing juicing, like juicing beets and low carb vegetables, did you know, the best way to drink juice is to actually juice it and drink it immediately. And that is because nutrients and vegetables nutrition can be lost after an hour or so, if left out.

However, if you do need to take it to work or something, what you should do is juice it and put it an airtight container immediately, and that will preserve the nutrients as well. So keep that in mind. If you’re just putting it into a jug, in the fridge or something, and leaving it there for hours, you could be losing most, or a large portion of the benefits of juicing. So, make sure you don’t do that.

What I do personally is, at home, I juice every single meal. I do it live. Because I’m doing three meals a day, morning, noon, and evening, I juice just before each meal, so that I’m guaranteed to get the freshest, best nutrition.

And as I mentioned the other alternative is to put it into an airtight container, which Anthony told me about. And that will help preserve it as well.

The other thing I wanted to talk about (you can hear the juicing going again) today, is a great book for going off juice fasts. Now, I talked about – this actually came from some people who were watching previous videos. It’s called “Eat to Live” by Dr. Joel Fuhrman.

Now, what I want you guys to and have a look at today, or, I suggest you do that, is go to YouTube and do a search for “the greatest diet on earth”. “The greatest diet on earth”

And what that will give you is around about an hour of video, by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. It’s fairly old, about 7 years old now. 2004 I believe. But it has got some fantastic information on why you need to be juicing, just how bad processed foods is for you, how bad dairy is for you, and what the benefits are of going onto an all natural vegetarian type diet.

Now, I’m still torn as to whether I am going to be going vegetarian. But I have to say, after watching this video, I’m very tempted that I should be doing just that. So, go and have a look at that. I suggest it’s great information. And thank you very much for that. I believe the actual YouTube user name, Rick, you know who you are, ‘findthecenter’ is the username, he’s the guy that put me on to this first. And I know Rick has been following along and has been doing a great job with losing weight as well. So keep up the good work.

To everyone else who is leaving comments and so forth, I really appreciate it. You’ve been doing a fantastic job. And keep up the good work, because your comments, and your likes and so forth, are motivating me as well. So it’s a two way street. I’m hoping I can motivate you, and vice versa. You’re doing that.

So, please, share this video with anyone you can. I notice I am starting to get lots of views on some of the earlier videos now. And that’s because they’re getting out there and people are following along. And, look, we can…

You can watch a high definition version of this Vegetable Nutrition video here if you wish.

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