Day 25 Of My Juice Fast And An Eat To Live Discussion

Howdy, Tim here with my Day 25 update.

Juice fasting is still going quite well. I lost .2 of a kilogram since yesterday, which is around about half a pound, give or take. That brings my total weight loss now to 12.1 kilos, which is about 26 and 3/4 pounds.

So everything is still on track, and I haven’t got a lot to report. This video is quite late today. It’s actually 3:30pm in the afternoon. It was quite a busy day. Haven’t had a chance to do too much in the way of preparation for this video, so I’m really just putting it out there as is. It’s more to let you know that I’m still on track and still doing well.

A couple of regular followers on my videos commented on a book, Eat to Live. I think that’s probably going to be a good book to look at. So I’m going to order that from Amazon. I’m going to put a link in the video notes. If you’re interested to go to Amazon and check it out.

It’s quite inexpensive, and I have read some of the reviews, and it’s got a lot of good reviews. What we’re talking about is a book that helps you transition off juice fasting. Now that particular book isn’t created specifically for that purpose. It’s more a general way to eat well, eat to live – in other words eat the right foods. Try and be healthy in other words, and it’s just a way of doing it.

So what I’m going to do is read that and see how relevant it is, and see if I can use that to transition back on to normal food.

So I suggest you check that out. I think that is going to be worthwhile looking at. I’m looking forward to checking that out. So because I’m in Australia I’m going to need to order express post. It will still take 4 or 5 days, and I’m sure the post is going to be more than the actual book! But I’m pretty keen to get it and start reading.

Everything else on track .Look, I still haven’t done the lemon, lime and grapefruit intro. I promise I will get that done tomorrow. I know there’s a few people waiting to hear that. That’s talking about the alkaline benefits of those fruits. So I will get stuck into that tomorrow when I’ve got a bit more time.

Other than that, as I said, everything is going well. I’m still feeling fine. Still not feeling any need to go back to food, or any negatives I guess about being on the juice fast. And I’m not feeling hungry most of the time. Just feeling quite content, and it is becoming part of my normal every day process I guess, for want of a better term.

Alright, I will leave this short video there for now.

Thanks for watching. I will be back tomorrow.

Cheers for now.

You can watch a high definition version of this Juice Fast here if you wish.

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